Saturday, February 2, 2008

Welcome to Red Queen NYC

I'm not sure where this is starting or where it is going. But it is a forum for artists to share and network. This is about redefining the Art World as we know it. All to often we are limited by what others have to offer. It is a free for all amidst the internet and blog explosion. Where is this all leading? No one knows. But artists really have a lot to say, that no one seems to want to listen to. Not a good scenario. So this group is an attempt to take more control over our opportunities, open up channels for collaboration among artists and to redefine the public role and interaction that is limited and also controlled by so few.
This group is open to everyone. Many simultaneous projects would allow for all sorts of opportunities for varying levels of artists and the public to participate. This is about the process of creating opportunity for us all.

Jax Chachitz

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